@admin awesome will the ground crew be more realistic and is Air Force one in the new update?
@admin are there any new airlines that will be added to the new update and their liveries?
@admin are there any realistic airports with realistic interior also what’s coming in the new update?
@admin totally understandable thanks for the update
@admin it’s not your fault for the delays
@admin looking forward to the update and please keep us posted communication is everything
@admin how many more months for IOS are you thinking?
@admin how long will it take for the IOS update?
@admin I had a feeling this was going to happen with IOS it’s not fair what’s the biggest issue?
@admin when you say soon are you saying a few months ?
@mohamedsouare I agree it needs to be more realistic
@mohamedsouare no I’m not part of the update I wish I was
@mohamedsouare yes I do here Is my snap preacher213
@adrianobrazil not necessarily it could be a airport that gets snow
@mohamedsouare I agree with you feel free to follow me back and the views you are posting are definitely needed
@mohamedsouare i believe the views you shared would be great as well