
Patch Notes

Patch 2024.1

  • Now we’ll have cameras for free too, we decided together to rework the VIP and now we’ll have 4 cameras for free and in greater quantity for VIPs.    
  • Thinking about the rework of multiplayer, we will now have seasonal maps, we will now have a map rotation where 4 maps will be changed weekly so that we can gather our players on specific maps so that we are not so spread out because of the many maps available. thus making multiplayer matches much more enjoyable and bringing a greater immersion in communication between players.
  • With all the requests about this being made, here is the camera mode, a way of taking clean pictures of your departures and arrivals, we hope you enjoy this mode and soon we will have images of what it will look like.
  • The storage will now be via CCD, so we can control the content and publish it more frequently without any problems, improving the quality for our players.
  • *About aircraft, airports and airlines, we are working on several of them, but only a few have been included in this patch, we are deciding which ones will be the best to include. When it’s decided, we’ll share it with you. And before you doubt it, there aren’t a few of them and the vast majority won’t be paid to have them.

Future Patchs

  • If all goes well we hope that in the future we’ll be able to bring free multiplayer to our players
  • Testing ways to return the game to offline mode, without it interfering with multiplayer