Hello fellow UATC fans.
Like most of you I'm sure we are all frustrated about the delays or no communication from devs etc but we have to understand one thing this application unless it's generating money will not be supported in the future and will definitely not be updated unless there's a concrete base of income that can be generated from putting any time into it. I have not paid a penny to play this game I will be very honest I played it a lot in my spare time waiting in the cafeterias sitting and waiting for a bus. The game for what it is is an incredible fun waste of valuable time but it is so enjoyable and relaxing and I love playing it I've been doing so for many many years. The VIP features in this game I feel are not worth a single penny. But I am more than willing to be paying for new releases such as new airports new libraries new planes new features anything I'm sure as would many of the fans of this game. But seriously $27 a month to have a few extra cameras I definitely don't think so. There's so much potential for this game like you've all been saying and I along with many of you I'm sure would be willing to fork out a bit of money to help support the development of this game and see a future for it in the in the app store. But unless there's money to be made there definitely won't be any progress on this game. Any other thoughts from the community would you be willing to pay some sort of an amount let's say 599 for DLC pocket once every few months that includes some new liveries or a new airplane or a new airport. I'm sure if all of us came together there's so many downloads of this game that there is some source of revenue that can be generated and a future for us fans and this game would be awesome.