

This is where we will build our history together, as a community. Here you will be able to meet other players, talk to each other, share your plays and talk to us too. Take advantage of this new opportunity, always remembering that there must be respect and responsibility, we will always be here interacting and moderating. Thank you for your support and we hope to build not only a community but a family with our players.

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Paulo Balestre
Posts: 28
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Joined: 11 months ago

They complained, cried, made their criticisms and suggestions. Nothing has changed. When it is time to update, it will be updated. Patience. "but it is disrespectful" - so what, are you going to seek your rights because the developers did not bring any news? Unfortunately, that is it.

Happy New Year to all and life goes on.

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You really dont get where we're trying to get at, do you? At this point most don't even care when the update is coming we just want to at least hear something from them. Your saying that we

Posted by: @paulo-balestre

complained, cried, made their criticisms and suggestions.

like its a bad thing(in fact I dont even see anyone crying on here) but is that not what a forum is for? It is only natural for us to expect a level of communication back. Even the devs said themselves when opening this forum they will try to make better communication with us and yet they have disappeared. Other games like WOA and Infinite flight have healthy relationships and communications on their forums and socials between players and devs, so I don't see why you call us "crybabies" for expecting the same here. If there is no communication or connection between players and devs then what is the point of a forum?

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Paulo Balestre
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@pizza__711 Hi, how are you?

I get it, but it seems you don't. We won't read anything about the update here until they come out and say it. I agree that they are terrible at communicating, but it's a fact: It hasn't happened in years, will it happen now? No.

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@paulo-balestre Ok, until that miracle of a day we hear something from them I will probably take a break from this forum because I, personally dont see a point. Happy new year to you as well!

Paulo Balestre
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@pizza__711 I've been playing this game for ten years now and it's been like this for ten years. No efficient communication. And before you know it, the update arrives.

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thanks you
