I love this ATC game. The features and graphics are great.
Some suggestions for improving it are:
1. When an aircraft needs to cross a runway, they should be requesting clearance from ATC before crossing a runway. This is an issue at Rio airport where a plane taking off on 02R automatically crosses 02L without first asking for clearance. A plane landing on 02R automatically crosses 02L (they should be requesting clearance from the tower)
2. Add the ability to put aircraft on approach into a holding pattern at a certain altitude (ATC can change the altitude). If multiple airplanes are held at the same altitude, they will have a mid air collision so managing holding pattern altitudes is important
3. Add fuel remaining to approaching aircraft. This will help with prioritizing which aircraft to clear for landing
4. Add more real world airports, more aircraft and more airlines
5. Add military aircraft such as fighter jets & cargo planes
6. Add helicopters
This is an awesome game, keep up the great work!