Glad to see the developers still working on this game and making an effort to improve communication with the community, I’ve been playing this game since I was 9-10 and I’ve had it for about 8-7 years now; I have some suggestions on what to add to the game for the next major update. Firstly I would enjoy having the addition of more fictional and realistic airports (ex. LAX, LHR, IAD etc) since it keeps the game fresh and keeps new players coming back. Secondly I’d also enjoy the addition of more aircraft such as the Concorde, Boeing 727-200, the 737-100/200’s, the A220, 717 etc. also don’t forget to add more liveries for any new aircraft that you guys have. Thirdly I’d also like the addition of more camera views around/inside the airport and planes; more detailed cockpits for each plane would also be appreciated. Finally I want updated Takeoff, Landing and Taxi animations.